mixed martial arts is not all about the ufc

i still remember the first time i saw the octagon of the ultimate fighting championship and two combatants facing each other both willing to mete out punishment. back in 1993 when only eight fighters are entered in a ufc event, it is uncommon for fighters to wear MMA Gloves . after the initial years of the ufc though, fighters found out that having good MMA Gear is as important as fighting spirit, technical skills, devastating power, and lightning quick reflexes in the octagon. apart from the Real Gear for Real Fighters worn by ufc fighters, much has changed in the landscape of the MMA world. today, mixed martial arts is growing so fast that new mma promotion companies have sprung out. take for example the elite xtreme combat or elitexc. the said outfit recently aired on primtime over cbs with kimbo slice headlining the event. although a lot of mma fans are still not sold on slice, they surely are sold on fedor emelianenko. fedor is considered by many to be the best heavyweight ...